Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rocking the Do

Have you ever kept a journal? A diary? They can be so cathartic and helpful. They're very personal, of course. Yet in all the journals I have kept throughout my life, I have definitely written to an audience. A reader. Some future relative. At times I have addressed the reader directly, and I find it fun to imagine who it might be that one day reads my words.

Perhaps I flatter myself that my descendants will ever be interested in the thoughts I've put to paper over the years. But if they are, they'll be sure of two things: 1) my entries are sporadic at best, and 2) I feel terribly guilty about that. Not unlike my last blog post here, almost all of my journal entries start with something like, "I'm so sorry it's been so long since I last wrote," as if my future-dwelling reader will hold it against me that three months went by without my thinking of them.

And so to you, my live, present-dwelling, online readers, I say: I'm so sorry it's been so long since I last blogged. 

Also, I know I promised the material outlined in this previous post, but I still don't have it. I do desire to go back and catch up, I really do. But I'm feeling blocked by that onus and so I've decided to move on. It will still be my goal to go back and record those experiences, but I'm not going to wait for that to be done before sharing more.

Today what I have to share is fun. 

As I mentioned before, my hair is beginning to grow back. I've given up hats entirely now, and I believe I might be approaching 'I'm-wearing-my-hair-like-this-on-purpose' territory. As proof that people do wear their hair like mine on purpose, I submit the following images.

This is my mother, Susan. She actually doesn't wear her hair like this on purpose. In fact, she doesn't wear her hair like this at all. This is just what her real hair looks like under the hair she does wear on purpose. People think she shaved her head for me once I lost my hair, but actually it was me who followed her lead. We make bald a family affair.

This is my nephew, Markie. He definitely wears his hair like mine on purpose and looks good doing it. 

Ibs, one of our dearest friends, also chooses my hairdo and rocks it.

It's possible Josh chooses this style for political purposes, but nonetheless it's on purpose.

This is Dave, who sits on the front pew at church. He gives raucous hugs (thus the blur). When I explained to him that I was collecting pictures with people whose hairstyles matched mine, he said, "But I don't have cancer." Fortunately I was able to say, "Neither do I!"  

This is Leanne T. She's just hip that way.

I don't think Caleb cares much about our matching hairstyles, but I do know he was not happy I hijacked him for the photo.

This is Leann P. She's been sporting this do for over 15 years and says she'll never go back. Hers is what I can only aspire to.
This is literally a random stranger in Jon & Bon's Yogurt shop. She told me people often inquire too politely about her health and she has to inform them that she just likes her hair short. She asked me if I like mine short too. I said I did, but that cancer also played a part. 

If you know someone who rocks my haircut, snap a shot and send it to me!


  1. You are so weird! Who knew that picture would end up on your blog?! Secret is out now. Oh well, maybe I should just use my own hair as my choice. It looks good on you! How many people read your blog? Quoting Kermit C. Frog in the end of the story I used to read to you...."I am so embarrassed."

  2. I smiled at every picture and laughed out loud at the last. You're all beautiful - well - except for the Governor.

    It's great to meet you, LaDawn.
